
Showing posts from February, 2009

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gak percaya!!!!

haLLow temen quwh,. ^^ gue mo curHat nEyy,. gue kan tinggal di sulawesi nEyy,. So pasti cara ngomong'a beda dUnks.. tadi khn di suruh ngumpulin LKS b.Indo gTu M gRu gw, nAh seCara gw yg juara 1 jd t4 conTekan gTu,. trus ada tuh si Rahmat (yg sempet gue suka tapi sekarang udah gak lagi) manggil gue, yaudah gue ksna tuh,.trus dia bilang gini( dgn logat makassar) " We.. selesai mi bahasa Indonesia mu? Liat ka dulu". (Woi.. b.Indo Lo udah selesai? gue liat doNg). trus gue jawab gini " beLum pi, tapi sekarang ada sama IngRiT (nama tmn gw disini)". (bLm, tapi gy diliat ama si Ingrit tuh). trus dia jawab "oh.. kalau begitu, sudahnya mo saya Ingrit". (maksud'a: kalo gitu gue bis Ingrit deh). trus gue jawab lagi,. " sudah na IngRit, i Dito". (Habis Ingrit si Dito). dia jawab lagi " Ai jammako, saya mo". (Yaelah gak usahlah, gue aja). habis dia ngomong gitu gw langsung mencibir gTu deh. trus bilang gini " Huu.. d...


ah,. BT niegh bsk dah sekolah lagi malay bgD deh udah ada praktek biologi,. yang kata persilangan itu loh,. mank cie gw suka biologi tp ya,.,. gmn y?? cPe aj gTu rasa'a haaah,. rasa'a mw lulus aj koq ribet ci?? yah tp karin gTu aPh cie yg gak, insya allah karin lulu dgn nilai yang bguz n bisa masuk SMA yg karin ingin khn ammmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiin,. temen" doain y!! awas kLo gak! gw potong" loh! hehehe becanda koq bubbye!! see you later in my next post


huahhhhhhhh,. akhirnya bsk libur jg jd yah lumayan bisa nyantai cz kmren2 cpe bgD mpe pusing mikirin tugas sekolah yang tiap hari nambah terus,. so I depressed now!!!!!! huahh,. I'm so tired yahh dengan libur sehari kan bisa sya la la la... so natnti malam jg bisa tidur nyenyaaaak hehehe,. so segitu dlu y,. see you!!

huahhhh,. BT niEgH,.

hay guys,. wihh BT bgd nEyy diqit2 bljaaaaaaaaaar mulu,. mank cie cita2 gw dokter spe. jantung tp cUaPex bgD dh,. klo lum mo lulusan psti gw msh bsa nyantai,. tapi gpp yahhh khn smakin lama qta hrus lbh brsikap dewasa, ya gak? hehehe hmmm cory dikit lnjut bsk lagi deh, ok! cz gw mo siap" wat les nEyy, byasa p'siapan wat UN,.. Good Luck to me hehehe

sherlock holmes (english)

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He is the creation of Scottish-born author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A brilliant London-based "consulting detective", Holmes is famous for his intellectual prowess, and is renowned for his skillful use of "deductive reasoning" while using abductive reasoning (inference to the best explanation) and astute observation to solve difficult cases. Overview Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fifty-six short stories that featured Holmes. All but four stories are narrated by Holmes's friend and biographer, Dr. John H. Watson; two are narrated by Sherlock Holmes himself, and two others are written in the third person. The first two stories, short novels, appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual for 1887 and Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1890, respectively. The character grew tremendously in popularity with the beginni...

duuuugH,. pusing banget deh

gila,. tinggal 2 bulan lagi mo UAS, n UAN udh bnyak try out lagi,. huuu,. BT bgd gw, q ngomong gw lo ja ya cPek jg cie ngomong aq km hwhehehe... hmm.. I hope the visitor will pray for me, to that I can pass in my junior high school with the nice point and I can to continue my school in high school I want, yeh I'm sorry if my english is mess, coz I'm Indonesian and I necessary to more learn hehehehe... doain gw ya supaya lulus SMP dgn nilai yg bagus n bsa masuk SMA yg di inginkan (unggulan) hmmm hri ini udahan dulu ye curhatannya, mo belajar niEgH hwhehehe.. buBbye

aBouT Prof. James Moriarty

Professor James Moriarty is a fictional character, the archenemy of the detective Sherlock Holmes in the fiction of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Widely considered to be the first true example of a supervillain, Moriarty is a criminal mastermind, described by Holmes as the "Napoleon of Crime." Doyle lifted the phrase from a real Scotland Yard inspector who was referring to Adam Worth, a real life model for Moriarty. Appearance in Doyle's fiction Professor Moriarty's first appearance and his ultimate end occurred in Doyle's story "The Final Problem", in which Holmes, on the verge of delivering a fatal blow to Moriarty's criminal ring, is forced to flee to the Continent to escape Moriarty's retribution. Moriarty follows, and the two apparently fall to their deaths while locked in mortal combat atop the Reichenbach Falls. During this story, Moriarty is something of a Mafia Godfather; he protects nearly all of the criminals of England in exchange for their...