duuuugH,. pusing banget deh

gila,. tinggal 2 bulan lagi mo UAS, n UAN udh bnyak try out lagi,. huuu,. BT bgd gw, q ngomong gw lo ja ya cPek jg cie ngomong aq km hwhehehe...
hmm.. I hope the visitor will pray for me, to that I can pass in my junior high school with the nice point and I can to continue my school in high school I want, yeh I'm sorry if my english is mess, coz I'm Indonesian and I necessary to more learn hehehehe...
doain gw ya supaya lulus SMP dgn nilai yg bagus n bsa masuk SMA yg di inginkan (unggulan)
hmmm hri ini udahan dulu ye curhatannya, mo belajar niEgH hwhehehe..



  1. Aoo Karin chan .. lam kenal..

    Hima juga mo UN niih ><

    kita sama" brjuank iaah !!!

    gambatte neee ><


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