
Showing posts from June, 2011

finally !

こんばんは、見んな! 我々は再びあうねえ。。 お元気ですか? good evening, everyone ! hi, we meet again .. how are you ? i'll use english in this post :) (even i use japaness no one understand my post well) . i've received my rapor (education report card may be i call in this languange) and i officially went up to grade 3 ( XII ) in senior high school .. yeayy, applause for me .. :D haha.. i'm really happy, ''m just a little bit sad because my ranking get down from ranking 2 to 3 in my class, and 4 to 8 in general ranking, huft .. but i'm still grateful for that .. FINALLY ! The HOLIDAY ARRIVE !! yeayy! I was able to break from the tasks for some time , hehe.. my class is planning to vacation together, yaah.. to create a memento .. yaahh, if it's make them happy, i just follow their desires . so, Monday i had to come to school to find out a detailed plan this holiday together, it seems it was exhausting, but it doesn't matter :) and .. i'll try tomorrow morning bike ride with my ...

akhir tahun ajaran

konnichiwa.... yupz, lagi-lagi aku mesti bilang "ohisashiburi des ne..=long time no see" hari ini aku gak ke sekolah abis kakiku mendadak kram gara-gara diajakin keliling mall kemaren hehe... aku paling gak kuat jalan lama-lama... alhasil begini nih, termenung di kamar.. haha yaah, untungnya sih kegiatan belajar mengajar udah selesee.. sisa porseni aja kan hari sabtu kemaren hari terakhir aku ulangan .. yupz, ulangan kenaikan kelas!!! yeayy.. haahhh.. gak nyangka udah mo naek kelas 3 aja... tinggal nunggu rapor tanggal 25 nanti... andd.. libur... sayounara tahun ajaran 2010-2011 :)... padahal kalo diinget-inget baruu aja pake putih abu-abu eh... udah mo jadi yang paling senior di sekolah :) hm, aku bikin postingan ini jam 16.00 wita (sekadar info hehe) hmm, bakalah nerveous nungguin hasil nilai, mudah2an gak ada yang turun deh, kan mo ngambil bebas tes di UGM ma UNHAS :) (doain bisa yak!)