
Showing posts from 2011

New Teaching Year (2011-2012)

こんばんは、おひさしぶりです。 nice to meet you again everyone!! previously .. congrats had made it to junior high or senior high! 本当におめでとう、見んな!:) congrats for all my friend here that made it to next year. (bagi yang naik kelas) this is a new teaching year (2011-2012) whose school in Indonesia . we've been grow up now, more and less. i'd been hiatus for a while, yep . it's prepare for my future. hehe :) i'm in the last grade this year (in my high school) . i

finally !

こんばんは、見んな! 我々は再びあうねえ。。 お元気ですか? good evening, everyone ! hi, we meet again .. how are you ? i'll use english in this post :) (even i use japaness no one understand my post well) . i've received my rapor (education report card may be i call in this languange) and i officially went up to grade 3 ( XII ) in senior high school .. yeayy, applause for me .. :D haha.. i'm really happy, ''m just a little bit sad because my ranking get down from ranking 2 to 3 in my class, and 4 to 8 in general ranking, huft .. but i'm still grateful for that .. FINALLY ! The HOLIDAY ARRIVE !! yeayy! I was able to break from the tasks for some time , hehe.. my class is planning to vacation together, yaah.. to create a memento .. yaahh, if it's make them happy, i just follow their desires . so, Monday i had to come to school to find out a detailed plan this holiday together, it seems it was exhausting, but it doesn't matter :) and .. i'll try tomorrow morning bike ride with my ...

akhir tahun ajaran

konnichiwa.... yupz, lagi-lagi aku mesti bilang "ohisashiburi des ne..=long time no see" hari ini aku gak ke sekolah abis kakiku mendadak kram gara-gara diajakin keliling mall kemaren hehe... aku paling gak kuat jalan lama-lama... alhasil begini nih, termenung di kamar.. haha yaah, untungnya sih kegiatan belajar mengajar udah selesee.. sisa porseni aja kan hari sabtu kemaren hari terakhir aku ulangan .. yupz, ulangan kenaikan kelas!!! yeayy.. haahhh.. gak nyangka udah mo naek kelas 3 aja... tinggal nunggu rapor tanggal 25 nanti... andd.. libur... sayounara tahun ajaran 2010-2011 :)... padahal kalo diinget-inget baruu aja pake putih abu-abu eh... udah mo jadi yang paling senior di sekolah :) hm, aku bikin postingan ini jam 16.00 wita (sekadar info hehe) hmm, bakalah nerveous nungguin hasil nilai, mudah2an gak ada yang turun deh, kan mo ngambil bebas tes di UGM ma UNHAS :) (doain bisa yak!)

susahnya jadi anak sekolah..

hai.. hai.. semua.. hee... dah lama banget gak mosting.. bener sibuk, sibuk mo nyoba jadi novelis (hehe.. iseng aja), sibuk terpaksa mau gak mau ikut OSN untuk kedua kalinya di masa SMA, sibuk ama tugas yang numpuk menjelang 2 bulan terakhir sebelum kenaikan kelas, sibuk belajar wat ulangan harian, sibuk apa lagi ya?? aduuuhh, beneran deh, banyak banget... mana seminggu terakhir kemaren, aku kena penyakit Gondongan (bhs jawa nya), Bengkak babi (bhs makassar nya, gilee... disamain ma babi???) , and mumps ato parotitis bahasa ilmiah ato istilahnya kedokterannya gitu.. buseetttt dah..


konnichiwa .. minna :-) hmm.. long time no see ya .. gomen ne, baru bisa bikin postingan baru sekarang.. buat semuanya.. makasih udah mo comment di chatbox atopun d salah satu post-an ku jadi terharu, ternyata banyak yang comment hehe.. oya makasih buat yang udah follow blog ini.. insya allah aku follow balik.. tapi kalo buat pasang banner, kalo sempet yah.. abisan, ini juga mosting cuma kebetulan ada waktu senggang bentar aja .. ok tapi kalo dah ada waktu, pasti aku pasang banner kalian semua :) bener deh, sejak masuk SMA aku dah jarang yang namanya buka ini blog, habisnya gak sempet abisan, banyak banget tugasnya oya, dah lama gak cerita ya.. sekarang aku dah kelas 2 SMA.. di terus, aku tuh kelas XI IPA .. yeayy!! :D senengnya..

Lyric To Mother - YUI

to Mother テーマ:Misc to Mother [Kanji Version] 作詞 YUI 作曲 YUI アーティスト YUI だって あなた 言ったじゃない 涙声 うつむいたまま 嘘もつけなくなったら 生きてゆけなくなるよと 愛されていたいと思うから どんな痛みだって 笑ってみせた ah ah 悲しみって あたし一人だけなら 耐えられるのに 優しさって 残酷よね?

Lyric Goodbye Days - YUI

Dakara ima ai ni yuku So kimetanda Poketto no kono kyoku wo kimi ni kikasetai Sotto boryu-mu wo agete Tashikamete mitayo Oh Good-bye Days Ima, kawaru ki ga suru Kinou made ni So Long Kakko yokunai Yasashisa ga soba ni aru kara La la la la love with you Katahou no earphone wo Kimi ni watasu Yukkuri to nagare komu Kono shunkan Umaku aisete imasu ka? Tama ni mayou kedo

Lyric It's Happy Line

Dare no tame ni ikite iru no? Saenai hibi wo sugoshite Yowasa mo itami mo dono kurai kanjiteru no? Tarinai kinou ni obore Yume ni kaita kyou sorowanakutemo yeah yeah Yoake mae no mabataku hoshi wa Kiete itta no? Asu e itta no? Tomorrow never knows It's happy line Nani wo shinjite ikeba ii? Mienai hibi wo sugoshite Donna yoru wo mitemo mou kurai kao shinaide Daremo ga shiawase wo yobu egao Miete iru no? Warawanakutemo yeah yeah

Lyric Skyline - YUI

Chotto dake kangae sugichau mitai Nemurenai heya no naka It seems like I'm thinking a little bit too much Here, sleepless in my room Isso mou yoru wo tobidashite mitai Madobe ni tameiki ga ochiru I feel like I might as well take off into the night A sigh falls next to the window Tsuki akari wo nukete tooku made Habataite mitai no ni Dou shitara ii no darou? I slip out into the moon light, to somewhere far away But I want to try and flap my wings What should I do? I want to fly well I want to fly well Tobikata wo shiranai dake... I want to fly well I want to fly well Dare ka oshiete kuretara ii no ni I want to fly well, I want to fly well Though I don't know how to fly... I want to fly well, I want to fly well I wish someone would show me how Kitto mada shiranai koto bakari da yo Terebi mo uso bakari de There are surely plenty of things that I don't yet know And there's nothing but lies on TV Amayadori no tochuu itsu made mo Kou shite hairarenai Zubunure demo kamawanai I...